In residence From February to April 2019

“My artistic approach is based on the place idea. My works take shape in matter. I animate them by the gestures of my hand. I keep contact with materials such as fresh earth, plaster or cement. I multiply the experiments of the subjects to make me surprises by their poetic values. I empirically work  with my manufacturing processes and construction logics in which the role of time remains visible. I build with pieces of earth stacked. The fresh soil memorizes the pressure of the fingers on the surface. The dry soil and after cooking it changes color and sound. Enamels crystallize time. Ceramic absorbs and reflects light. My drawings in anthropomorphic, animal and vegetable forms constitute a world in hybridization. The pieces emerge naturally. All my works are constructed according to the same processes that evolve with the experience of the place. Time therefore plays an important role. My work is an experience of meditated time that the hand has concretized. The hand grasps the matter, time is measured with a gesture to snuggle in the hand.
Guillaume Talbi



Collection Fantasmagorie du monde, 2016, céramique, 10x9x7 cm

Collection Fantasmagorie du monde, 2016, céramique, 10x9x7 cm

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