In residence From September to November 2018
“My field of exploration is situated on the boundary of urban space and its outskirts (territorial, social and human). Through the practice of walking, I navigate (by foot, car, or train) in the border spaces (peripheral roads, motorways, coasts, rivers).
I try to reproduce a representation of modern ruin, where agricultural, industrial, commercial zones, as well as construction zones in a state of neglect and oblivion are transplanted.
All these states of the contemporary world are documented, photographed, recorded, and filmed.
My working method consists of selecting objects, forms, and impressions in the real world, and then transforming them in the studio space.
My aim is to operate displacements and disconnections, which at the same time reveal their state, by bringing the world’s fragments into an imaginary and dreamlike dimension.
This process is always a tense experience on the cutting edge, close to disequilibrium, where I try to avoid a confinement generated by a repetition of forms, motifs and control.”
More informations :

La part manquante, Boris Chouvellon, in situ, Place du Bouffay, Nantes, 2017

La part manquante, Boris Chouvellon, in situ, Place du Bouffay, Nantes, 2017

Modern expres – 2016 – Béton armé, métal, chaînes, godets de pelleteuses – (840 cm x 400 cm x 400 cm) – Patio de la maison rouge, Paris.